
Technology and defense systems for personal users include antivirus and mobile threat defense. For window platforms, you definitely need the best antivirus. I personally use Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS), it’s very good and I have used it for many years. When KIS is on, I feel very confident doing things online without any problems; even while visiting adult websites.

Why Kaspersky ? because it comes from Russian. The two best nations in cybersecurity and computer hacking are Russia and Israel, their cybersecurity knowledge and expertise may be same level or above USA.

For MacOS users, the MacOS is well designed but not as secure as you think. MacOS doesn’t come with anti-virus like Windows 10 with windows security include antivirus and windows defender. When you install any new software in MacOS, the system just requires you to provide Admin’s password to get through but not checking that software is malware infected or not. If it is malware infected software then the game is over. You better have KIS for MacOS to be installed.

Apple product family, iPhone is better security than MacBook. You don’t assume the two are the same level of security.

You can add one more layer of protection for your smartphone by using Mobile Threat Defense. I use the software named Check Point Harmony Mobile on my Samsung Android as well as my iphone.

The software is designed for Enterprise customers to secure mobile OS, scan all mobile apps and prevent Man-in-middle attack in wifi and 4G.

The main security threat in smartphones is mobile apps. You need a software product to know exactly what is going on inside your smartphone.