How everyone protect your the most valuable asset is your smartphone ?

How everyone protect your the most valuable asset is your smartphone ? This is how I protect mine. Check Point Harmony (Protect app, network and device) Safe me (Secure password and personal security posture assessment) Personal VPN (Wireguard client and VPN Server – Raspberry Pi 4) Net Analyzer (Check IP and network connection) Strong smartphone […]

Cybersecurity is not a product, it’s a process.

Cybersecurity is not a product, it’s a process. Moreover, security is not a technology problem. It’s a people and management problem. People are the first line of defense, learning cybersecurity will not be complete if we don’t understand how the computer hacking techniques or Hacking Secrets are conducted. Hacking techniques you can learn from me. […]

Is MacOS secure from malware ?

For MacOS users, the MacOS is well designed but not as secure as you think. MacOS doesn’t come with anti-virus like Windows 10 with windows security include antivirus and windows defender. When you install any new software in MacOS, the system just requires you to provide Admin’s password to get through but not checking that […]